of The III International Piano Competition in Almaty
Senior group
1 place
Tsvetkov Daniil
(Russia) |
1 place
Dyussembayeva Rabiga
2 place
Kim Sergey
2 place
Pan Xiao Qing
3 place
Shakirova Gulrukh
3 place
Zhai Weiwei
(special prize)
Nurtazin Yernar
(special prize)
Gafiatullina Zarina
(special prize of KNC)
Balabicheva Yuliya
Junior group
Rzayeva Farida
2 place
Sadykova Adina
3 place
Kim Jisoo
3 place
Zhelezkin Ilya
Competitions diploma — Karasheva Aliya (Kazakhstan) and Shek Yuliya (Uzbekistan)
Our grate congratulations to all winners!!!

Prime-Minister of the RK
Daniyal Akhmetov
Dear friends!
Welcome to III International Piano Competition in Almaty. I am very glad, that this competition has become a good tradition in cultural life of our country.
In conditions of the modern validity Kazakhstan is the original center of the world, a stronghold of stability. And taking place of such an event in one of the largest cultural centers of the Central Asia - Almaty - is a sign of the new time, new Kazakhstan.
I am assured, that competition will present us new names of continuers of the best traditions of piano art and will open them the road to the fine world of music.
I wish all participants and visitors of the competition happy and joyful instants of contact with beauty, new victories and achievements!
Dear participants and visitors оf competition, high jury!
From the bottom of my heart I welcome all of you to III International Piano competition in Almaty. The cultural life of our country has very rich roots synthesizing the European, especially Russian, traditions of arts and features of the Asian mentality.
Spiritual growth of both the individual creative person, and the whole ethnos -is the process very deep and compound. It is impossib1e outside of cultural communications between different communities, countries and continents. And this competition is one more opportunity to the professional dialogue, so necessary for becoming real musician.
I sincerely hope that days of competition become а holiday for all admirers of classical music.
Let competition become а launching pad for rise of talented asterisks and serves the further strengthening and development of the international and cultural communications.
I wish participants of competition new creative openings, great achievements, victories and inspiration!

Minister of Culture and Information of RK
Ermukhamet Ertysbayev |

National Artiste of Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Rector of Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy
Zhania Aubakirova
Dear friends!
With excitement and pleasure I welcome all the participants and visitors of III International Piano
Competition in Almaty!
The childhood and youth is the most unforgettable time for each of us. Everything that we absorb during these years creates us and remains with us forever. I think creative competitions in youth necessarily give rise to pride of our culture in the future.
Teachers all over the world mark the escalating from year to year the technical level of the young pianists. But nevertheless the most important, in my opinion, is a person, his/her vision of music. I sincerely consider that victory at the competition is not as important, as familiarizing with the highest creations of human spirit.
We, musicians, in general, are very lucky in life because we are engaged in a profession which allows creating beauty, in which perfection does not have limits. I would like, that all we keep fidelity of the profession, realize ourselves not only as actors, but the musicians who distribute around only beauty.
The presence of such talented people in one place and during one time always creates especially magic atmosphere as if accumulates energy and endowments of everyone. I hope that our competition becomes a forum of unification on the basis of piano art of the various countries, people, pianistic schools and traditions.
Certainly, it is impossible now to foresee how will develop creative destiny of our participants. But we live in time when music becomes one of public priorities, and our activity day after day, from hour to hour changes the reality.
Dear admirers of music, participants of competition, judges! I wish you the bright impressions,
new revelations, set of happy instants and great inspiration!
1. V.M. Ibrayeva – Organization Committee Chairman, Proffessor,
Head of Special Piano Chair KNC named after Kurmangazy;
2. A.R. Raimkulova – Pro-Rector on International Relations, KNC named after Kurmangazy;
3. G.E. Uzenbayeva – Dean of Piano Faculty, KNC named after Kurmangazy;
4. L.T. Kaliakbarova – Senior Lecturer, Special Piano Chair, KNC named after Kurmangazy;
5. G.S. Nurlanova- Senior Lecturer, Special Piano Chair, KNC named after Kurmangazy;
6. A.A. Tleubergenov- Senior Teacher, Special Piano Chair, KNC named after Kurmangazy;
7. D. Keshubayeva – Coordinatoron PublicRrelations, KNC named after Kurmangazy.
Competition's program
International jury